New Year's Eve Menu 11:11 Société


11:11 Société menu in Marbella is packed with a full feast of Mexican & Middle East fare, all accompanied by the best cocktails and Margaritas in town.

We can't imagine a more magical way of celebrating the last evening of 2023. Join us for fun and beautiful interiors, a menu brimming with dishes that blend comfort and style, along with cocktails you won't wanna miss.

Book your ticket now. Can’t wait to celebrate with you!


El menú de 11:11 Société es un festín completo de comida Mexicana y de Medio Oriente, todo acompañado de los mejores cócteles y margaritas en toda la ciudad.

No podemos imaginar una forma más mágica de celebrar la última noche de 2023. Únete a nosotros para divertirte y disfrutar del precioso interior, un menú repleto de platos que combinan sabores únicos y estilo, junto con cócteles que no querrás perderte.

Reserva tu ticket ahora. ¡Qué ganas de celebrar contigo!

Have something to celebrate?

It all begins with an idea! Whether you are hosting a birthday party, celebrating an anniversary or a holiday corporate party, our venue's great and unique vibe and decoration, friendly staff and exotic cuisine from Mexico & Middle East will meet your special needs


Masquerade Ball